Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Years Resolution UPDATES

This will be the blog post I use to make updates to my New Years Resolution list... the other blog post was entirely too long.

New Year’s Resolution 2012:
1. Write at least 1 blog post every month. Yes this is one less per month than last year’s goal, but it only doubles what I’ve done already, so it feels like the right number. Eventually I would like to blog weekly.  UPDATE - I AM WRITING ONE NOW!!  I also wrote one in February.

2. Join a fitness club and go no less than twice a week, also go vegetarian for 2 full weeks. I really like the idea of going vegetarian for a few weeks (this one is inspired by Derrick and Sherre, and I may need some help with it). I think it will challenge me as a chef, and teach me a few new healthy meals. Also I need to put fitness in the forefront of my life, so instead of setting arbitrary weight loss goals, let’s just work out.  UPDATE - I JUST JOINED ADVENTURE 212 WITH NICK N, AND SEVERAL OTHERS ARE JOINING TOO... GOOD SUPPORT SYSTEM.
UPDATE - 5 weeks strong.

3. Three Home Projects, Basement Paint, Basement Floor, Bathroom Counter. Home projects are game changers! Completing another basement room means I have more storage to reduce clutter, and a nicer basement to attract new roommates. A new bathroom counter is the start of redoing a bathroom that thoroughly needs it, and I’d like to create my own tile bathroom counter, so it will challenge me artistically as well.  UPDATE - The date is set for the Basement floor... now I just have to choose what to put down.

4. Get 4 massages and take 4 car loads of stuff to Goodwill. I needed a few softballs in my lineup, and this is a split. Four massages seems easy, but it will improve my overall state of relaxation, and I think that is very important. Four carloads of stuff to Goodwill is much tougher, but the reduced clutter will help create a better home life.  UPDATE - WHEN JOINING ADVENTURE 212, I RECEIVED HALF OFF A MASSAGE... Used it, great 90 minute massage.

5. Use 5000 lights for Christmas decorating. Softball? Maybe… but 5000 lights is double my best Christmas lighting year at the house and this year I only used about 1000 lights. This should give me an attainable creative goal in the early winter months. Also, my house has the saddest Christmas lights on my street... time to show them who's Tony.  UPDATE - BOUGHT SOME NEW CARDINALS WITH CHRISTMAS LIGHTS IN THEM.

6. Get 6 members of the family to stay overnight in Point. This goal isn’t easy. My family is fucked up beyond repair, but it would be great to have some family members up, and have a nice old fashioned family vacation style night with the cousins and aunts and uncles…

7. Spend 7 nights out of town, represent The Globe at Comicon, and spend nights at both Kristeve’s house and Roger’s house. So Comicon is the big one, that’s 3 nights out of town minimum, but I haven’t stayed over much at Kristin and Steve’s, and still haven’t seen Roger’s house or kiddo. Now, with that said, I haven’t seen Katharine and Drew in ages, or Laura, or Derrick’s new baby boy, or the Felder’s house… that list could go on for a while. Let’s start with these and see if we can get further.  UPDATE - ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD SNAGGED ME A 7 NIGHT STAY IN A FLORIDA CONDO FOR $250!  SO THAT WILL TAKE CARE OF 7 NIGHTS RIGHT THERE, BUT ALSO COMICON IS A GO!!!

8. Finish 8 things I’ve started, including Pregnant Hillbillies and Bring Out Your Dead. I am a brilliant idea man, but I rarely finish anything. It’s time to start.  UPDATE - TRACY HAS HOOKED ME UP WITH ALL THE PH DRAWINGS, AND I PURCHASED NEW INK AND CARDSTOCK TO START PRINTING THE PROMOS.

9. Go on 9 dates and stop being overly cautious with my dating choices. Well it’s true, I am way too cautious… it’s time to open up a bit, see what the world brings me.  UPDATE - I AM BACK ON POF... TELL YOUR FRIENDS!
UPDATE -  Off of POF again, just didn't feel right...

10. Throw 1000 holes of Disc Golf in at least 10 months of the year. I was so very close this year, and now with more vacation and less overtime I think I can achieve this goal.  UPDATE: JB HOOKED ME UP WITH A SAN MARINO STAR ROC, OH YEAH!
UPDATE - I missed February and January, so I have to go 10 for 10 in the next 10 months...

11. Save $1100 from intuitive cost changes. This one is right in my wheelhouse, and I will report my savings to you and maybe inspire you to do the same. I will be starting with my homeowner’s insurance, assholes jacked up my rates for next year by 200 bucks!  UPDATE -  I SAVED $382 THIS YEAR BY SWITCHING MY HOMEOWNERS AND CAR INSURANCES, AND THE COVERAGE IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME.

12. Do 12 major things with my bro. I enjoy spending time with my bro, so this one would probably happen even if it weren’t on my New Year’s Resolution list… but I want to get him out to a few major events if we can find the right timing.  UPDATE - FIRST MOVIE NIGHT OF THE YEAR IS SET FOR BRO'S BASEMENT.  UPDATE - First movie night went great!  Setting up a possible Brewers game for the end of January.